Tag: search results

This week in Google (not good) news

Googleiath made headlines this past week, and not in a good way.

 Let’s take a look.

1. Does Google Manipulate Search Results?

Tim Wu, the legal scholar credited with coining the oft used term “net neutrality” was hired by Yelp to conduct research into Google’s search algorithm. Wu, along with Harvard Business School professor Michael Luca and researchers at Yelp, examined whether Google gives consumers the best results.  The results don’t look good. Per Recode.net:

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Why does Google play a DMCA piracy shell game?

When Google removes a pirate link from search it redirects users to very same link on Chilling Effects


Search for Gravity on Google, look for a result that’s been removed, click link provided and you’re taken to a list of infringing links for the same movie, making it easy to find and watch pirated copy of the film

Google received a lot of positive press recently with its announcement that notorious pirate sites would be demoted in its search results, but just take a look for a second at how disingenuous that claim is, and how truly duplicitous its business practices actually are. Bear with me as I explain…

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