Missing metadata–Why won’t Big Tech use tech to protect copyright?

Respecting and Protecting Embedded Photo Metadata should be a priority

The relationship between the tech industry and content creators off all stripes has long been strained when it comes to the issue of protecting copyright.  Whether it’s asking Google to do a better job excluding search results that lead to pirated content, or demanding that Facebook  take action against ongoing “freebooting” of videos, conflicts over copyright continue to fester.

Given that Silicon Valley’s best and brightest seem adept at developing new ways of sharing (and appropriating) content to generate billions in profit, one has to ask–why not apply some of that technical wizardry to better tackle digital content theft?

There have been some examples of technology being used to effectively thwart theft– YouTube’s Content ID System being perhaps the most obvious example.  While certainly far from perfect (that’s a whole other story) YouTube’s CMS system does provide rights holders with a technological tool to safeguard their video and/or audio on YouTube.

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