Tag: free speech

EFF reacts to MPAA-Donut anti-piracy pact with predictable hyperbole and histrionics

Once again, EFF pulls out the piracy as “free speech” mantra

When it comes to the EFF and piracy, it’s kind of like the movie Ground Hog Day….same thing over and over and over again.  As such, it was no surprise this week when the EFF’s Mitch Stoltz—-displaying typically knee-jerk EFF form, published a blog post decrying this week’s announcement that the MPAA and top-level domain registrar Donuts had reached a voluntary partnership to “reduce online piracy.”  Of course, when it comes to the EFF, there’s no middle ground, and any effort to combat piracy is always met with the same, tired talking points.

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Google free speech cries slapped down by Canadian appeals court

Google’s global reach has global implications when it comes to the law

In a case that could have broad implications moving forward, a Canadian appeals court handed Google a rare legal setback when it upheld a worldwide injunction ordering the search giant to remove results linked to counterfeit hardware.  The ruling was an affirmation of a lower court ruling that mandated Google remove certain search results (linking to illegal products) on a  worldwide basis.

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